A compound for elimination of small and medium pores and hairline cracks on the surface of all types of concrete bases.
Linolit_PCF concrete sealant eliminates vulnerability of the monolith associated with the inevitable porosity of its structure, regardless of the composition of the thixotropic mixture and the type of fillers, the base needs additional processing. In addition to mechanical sealing of the upper layer, liquid products are additionally used to help concrete resist the effects of moisture during operation.
Linolit_PCF abilities for concrete sealing:
- “nullifies” porosity of the monolith upper layer – the liquid compound impregnates the concrete and gets reliably bonded with its structure, filling hair cracks and pores. As a result of this interaction, the substances involved in it are modified into a very dense layer. The end of the process is the acquisition of a high degree of mirror gloss by the surface
- absolute dedusting of the base – as a consequence of the previous characteristic, concrete cannot emit fine particles into the air. Its vapors are sealed and clogged, which affects not only the strength properties of the base and the durability of its operation, but also the fire safety of the room, and the comfort of doing business in it
- aesthetics of the coating – relative to the treated concrete using the minimum necessary technological steps, Linolit_PCF compacted coating has the most attractive appearance due to the absence of dust and the presence of gloss
- eco-friendly – it does not contain substances that emit odors or harmful fumes, therefore it can be used in the installation of industrial floors in the premises of food enterprises and other facilities that require increased attention to compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and labor protection
- resistance to UV rays – over time, the compound does not change its color under the influence of sunlight. This guarantees an excellent appearance of the base and will not require renovation of the coating over time.
- economical consumption and ease of applying – the amount of mortar required for concrete sealing is directly proportional to the monolith absorbency and begins with the value of 0.1 L/m2. The maximum demand of the base for the product can reach 0.7 L/m2. It is applied using a spray gun
- quick readiness for operation – setting time is up to 6 hours, depending on the climatic conditions in the room and other factors. It is possible to proceed to next stages of concrete processing upon 2-4 hours from the moment of the compound applying.
- 0.1 – 0.7 L/m2, depending on the concrete surface impregnating ability.
Linolit® PCF material is supplied by the set:
- component “А” 5.0 L
- component “В” 5.0 L
The set quantity: 10.0 L.
Can be used for 6 months
* The material must not be frozen!