Seam filler Linolit 12



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1260 Ljubljana-Polje

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Polymer compound for fast filling of seams and cracks, as well as repair of defects up to 80 mm deep on the surface of concrete and mosaic floors (horizontal surface).

Linolit ® 12 seam filler is a compound for fast sealing (hermitization) of technological external elements in the concrete structure, as well as for prompt repair of defects. Due to its high adhesive ability and water resistance, this state-of-the-art product is becoming increasingly widespread and practical.

Features of seam filler Linolit® 12:

  • Absolute tightness – the compound fluidity property guarantees maximally tight fit to the concrete at each application site. If specially created temperature seams are filled or seams between concrete tiles, then it is easy to control the level of the sealant, and its alignment occurs naturally. During repair works of the coating and the elimination of defects, you need not give them a certain shape (which is necessary when using thixotropic compositions). This greatly simplifies sealing of seams and speeds up the workflow, which is especially important for industrial-scale areas.
  • Elasticity – is important in the long term. During operation, concrete undergoes deformations due to changes in temperature conditions and other factors affecting its volume. A seam filler that seals the surface and prevents moisture from reaching the porous structure of concrete must necessarily have the property of elasticity in order to be able to maintain adhesion to the material. Otherwise, microcracks appear and over time the base collapses.
  • No shrinkage – this factor does not affect strength characteristics of the structure. The advantage of maintaining the volume of sealant for seams in concrete is the comfort of operation and the aesthetic appearance of the coating. Thus, when moving goods through the territory, the movement of transport occurs more smoothly. The presence of even minor depressions leads to an increased accumulation of dust on the surface, which in turn makes it difficult to maintain the base and maintain its cleanliness.
  • Uniformity of structure – in each of its sections, the seam filler is identical in composition, has no air inclusions, which provides a single strength indicator for the entire length of application.
  • High strength – the natural wear resistance properties of polymer binders included in the sealant are reinforced with special modern additives. The product has been tested and shows high operational reliability under various conditions and loads, including when they change drastically.
  • Quickly ready for use – the gelation period from the moment of application is 40 minutes, and the full strength is achieved within 8-10 hours. When eliminating defects in old concrete, it is possible to continue subsequent surface treatment after this period. Similar solutions are significantly inferior to Linolit ® 12 seam sealing sealant in this parameter.
  • Costeffectiveness – the ratio of the cost of the material, consumption and service life fully justify the rationality of its use at the facility when installing concrete floors. If alternative options for sealing seams require their replacement much earlier than the polymer filler, then disassembly / installation manipulations will have to be carried out more often. This leads to additional costs and production downtime.
  • Aesthetics – the compound is easily tinted in any color while maintaining strength characteristics.
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